An uppercut is thrown from inside range. Inside range being a range of about 12-24 inches from your opponent. The uppercut can be one of the harder punches to perfect because it requires you to drop your body to “load” the attack. The uppercut can be thrown to the chin as well as the body depending on the angle of attack. Like any other technique, it requires relaxation and timing. Below are some key points to remember when throwing the uppercut as well as some common mistakes.
Key Points
Your elbow is at all times only about a fist off of your rib cage
Punch comes from the pivot and your legs
The pivot gives you range, not the extension of your arm
Uppercut to the body – the energy is directed in towards the opponent at a slightly upward angle - Arm angle 135 Degrees
Uppercut to the chin – the energy is directed upwards - Arm angle is 90 Degrees
Release the shoulder – this adds to the length of the punch which adds to the power
Keep your chin tucked and opposite hand protecting your jaw/temple area
Strike the target with the front two knuckles (those of the index and middle finger)
Common Mistakes
Lack of a pivot
Not “loading” the punch
Scooping the arm
Bending your back rather than dropping your butt
Twisting your back rather than dropping your butt
Releasing your arm causing you to scoop on the front end and reaching to far on the back end
Pivoting and coming up on the toes rather than the ball of the foot