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Coach Jason Porter 

Coach Porter has been training in martial arts for 40+ years and coaching martial arts for over 25 years.  The founder of Mugen MMA, Mugen Kickboxing, Mugen Karate, Goshin Jitsu, and PowerFIT (Learn more here).  Training in the martial arts during a time when mixed martial arts was referred to as cross-training.  Training in systems as complete as those mentioned above, were not widely available at the time.  Coach Porter had to search out various systems and instructors in order to develop his own systems of mixed martial arts.  A former Systems Engineer, with an uncanny ability to reverse engineer the science behind martial arts techniques and systems, Coach Porter has always been driven by answering questions pertaining to martial arts and the coaching of martial arts.


Why does one system throw a technique one way and another system a different way?  What is the most effective, efficient way to throw a technique?  How can you use concepts, commonalities in techniques, and everyday movements to help students learn most effectively?  How can you teach a student in a way that will allow them to further explore martial arts techniques and start to "teach themselves"?  With a never-ending desire to further develop his own understanding of the martial sciences and further evolve the systems he's developed and teaches, is a huge motivation in Coach Porter's own martial arts journey.  


Coach Porter opened his first school in 1998, the first mixed martial arts school in NYS.  He went on to own multiple schools with an active student base of over 800 students, the largest known MMA school in the country at the time. Coach Porter is proud of the 1000s of students he's had over the years that have met their fitness, self-protection, and competition goals.  He is also the first promoter of Mixed Martial Events in NYS, with the first event held at First Arena in Elmira, NY.  Coach is the former NYS MMA Team Coach, having Coached numerous UFC, Bellator, pro and amateur competitors.  He is founder of BusinessFIT Solutions, and the Youth Character Awareness Education Program. 

Coach Ashly Matyas

Coach Matyas has been training in martial arts for over 14 years. She started training in 2003 in Isshin-RyÅ« at IAMA. After earning her purple belt, she left for Skidmore College and attainted her bachelor's degree in sociology with a double minor in business management and exercise physiology.  Upon graduating, Coach Matyas moved to Florida where she rediscovered her passion for martial arts.


She began working as a Program Director at the International Academy of Martial Arts in Fort Lauderdale, FL. in 2018. It is there that she trained in Judo, Japanese Jui-Jitsu, and Muay Thai for a little over 2 years. Coach Matyas moved from Florida to New York to open Porter Martial Arts and Fitness in 2021 which later transformed into Mugen Martial Arts and Fitness. She received her blue belt in Mugen Kickboxing in September of 2024. 

Coach Tyler Rockwell

Coac​h Rockwell has been a student of the martial arts for the last 8 years. He started training with Coach Porter at the age of 22 and received his Brown Belt in Mugen Kickboxing in October of 2024.  Coach Rockwell s an active competitor and fantastic coach. He knows the in's and out's of Mugen's system and is perhaps by far the best training partner/coach a student with a thirst for knowledge could ask for!

Coach Jason Rice

Coach​ Rice has been a student of the martial arts for over 12 years. He started training with Coach Porter at the age of 32 and received his Purple Belt in Mugen Kickboxing in August of 2024.  Coach Rice is a wonderful mentor, friend, and coach. He is not only a reliable and driven man, but he is also an exceptional coach. 

Coach Mike Jura 

Coach Jura has been a student of the martial arts for over 5 years. He started instructing PowerFIT (Cardio Kickboxing) in June of 2021 and received his Purple Belt in Mugen Kickboxing in August of 2024. 

Coach Kyle Farr

Coach Farr has been a student of the martial arts for over 5 years. He started instructing PowerFIT (Cardio Kickboxing) in October of 2020 and received his Purple Belt in Mugen Kickboxing in August of 2024. 

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