Celebrate with us!
Memorable Parties for Your Little Superhero
At Mugen Martial Arts, we’ll make sure your child has a memorable experience. Everyone will have a blast, but your child will feel like a real superhero on their special day. After a birthday full of fun games and activities - your child will have the opportunity to join our instructor in cutting their birthday cake with a Samauri Sword - a Martial Arts birthday party with the “cool” factor your kid will love.

Mugen Birthday Party Options!
2 Hours
Choose YOUR (3) Exciting Games:
30 Minute FUN Martial Arts Class, Dodgeball, Noodle Hockey, Flag Capture, Obstacle Course, Noodle Baseball, Foam Sword Challenge, Crab Soccer, Bear Crawl Hand Soccer, Hand Baseball)
Napkins and Plates
Free Week of Training for Friends
The Birthday Cake (Provided by Parents) cut with a Real Samurai Sword! (With the Instructors Assistance of course!)
We Set Up and Clean Up
10 Kids (16 Maximum)
Everything Above
Food Provided by Parents
$225 +$10 per child over 10
Everything Above
Pizza and Juice Provided
Decorations (Themed, Balloons, Streamers, Happy Birthday Sign)
Moogee T Shirt for Birthday Child
$350 +$15 per child over 10
Everything Above
Pizza and Juice Provided
Decorations (Themed, Balloons, Streamers, Happy Birthday Sign)
Themed Party Gift Bag for Friends
Moogee T Shirt for the Birthday Child
Keep the Sword
$475 +$20 per child over 10

Booking Details
- Days Available: Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays (time slots available will be dictated by events scheduled at the facility; therefore, these days may not be available on any given weekend.
- Reservations MUST BE MADE TWO WEEKS in advance.
- $50 to Reserve the Date! Payment Goes Towards Overall Party Cost.