Everyone wants to make a change in their life. Whether it be related to finances, physical fitness, or personal development, it is ingrained in all of us to seek improvement and growth. Though many of us desire to make a change, very few of us follow through on making that change happen.
We must ask ourselves what factors are limiting us from reaching our full potential? Why is it so difficult for us to then actually make the changes we want in our lives?
Do you have a community of likeminded people who inspire and motivate you to be your best? At Mugen Martial Arts, I have watched dozens of students make positive changes for themselves through the leverage of community and camaraderie.
Here’s how being part of a community can help you along the road to improvement!

The first step is the hardest step- Taking action.
Making a choice is difficult when you have all the information the world has to offer at the tip of your fingers. It can make us anxious before making a big change in our lives. The conflicting talking points and perspectives make it all that much harder to find confidence in the decision you make. This is why being part of a strong community can be revolutionary.
Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals allows you to get advice and guidance from those who have already walked the path you wish to take.
Finding Consistency
The few who do decide to act towards a positive change, run into the next problem; Being consistent. Consistency mainly comes from one’s level of self-discipline, but things like motivation and accountability from others keep our habits aligned with our goals. A community of like-minded individuals who you respect and carry admiration for you will keep anybody on track. And if the idea of not being there for your partner or teammates isn’t enough. Your coaches and teammates, calling you out or acknowledging your absence will be all the motivation you need to get back on track.

Transcending into Leadership
Now that you have acted and found consistency with the aid of your friends and community, you have started to experience the growth and progress you were seeking. Now that we are moving towards success and can identify with it, what will allow us to cement that growth and prevent any regressive tendencies is acquiring a leadership role or identity within our community.
It is time to take the next step! Playing into that leadership role will allow you to help others who are currently facing the obstacles you have overcome. Knowing that others now rely on you and see you as someone they can look to for advice you will most likely find yourself more confident and motivated to progress further towards reaching your full potential.
In conclusion
The world is filled with so many people and so many ways to communicate, but we cannot confuse this with the power and potential that community and culture carry. There’s only so much we can accomplish by ourselves. Recognize and embrace the importance of community, get involved in a program that surrounds you with like-minded individuals and experience the personal growth you desire.

Training in martial arts with Jason can truly be life changing. I was on a bad path in life in my early 20s and when I found Jay's early school, I knew I was in the right place. Training quickly grew to be my obsession every day. The mental toughness and stability that I developed through training permeated to all aspects of my life. I honestly can say I owe large parts of my success to the growth I achieved under Jay's tutelage.