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Can Mugen Martial Arts Training Help Reduce Anxiety?

Ashly Jane

Did you know over 40 million people in the US suffer from anxiety? Some of us become anxious while brainstorming the long list of tasks left unchecked at work or school; and some of us experience social anxiety while running errands or hosting gatherings. Many people have begun searching for alternate ways to reduce anxiety— training in martial arts may be one of those ways...

The Individual Among Friends

A big part of anxiety is the fear of meeting new people. People with anxiety often have a very small social group and find it difficult to interact with new people. Martial arts training provides an outlet for individuals to push their limits while working with others. 

While you won’t feel the pressure of a team sport at Mugen Martial Arts- you will still gain positive support from coaches and teammates. A lot of people with social anxiety function well around others while they’re doing a particular task. The structure, hierarchy, and regimented learning found in martial arts training can help people with social anxiety take the plunge into social activity without getting overwhelmed.

Fear of Performance

Those who suffer from anxiety often fear failure. It’s normal for everyone to get a bit nervous when they must make a speech, pass a test, or play a sport. However, for people with anxiety, these activities can seem overwhelming.

The belt system and the structured learning of martial arts can help with this fear-based anxiety. At Mugen we encourage individuals to perform combinations and drills appropriate to their experience. In other words, a blue belt has the same curriculum as other blue belts. Taking the pressure off of your individual performance can help reduce anxiety around performance and generate a feeling of belonging.

Martial Arts and Worst-Case Thinking

One of the hallmarks of social anxiety is thinking “catastrophically,” or thinking marked by assuming the absolute worst outcome in any given situation. At Mugen Martial Arts we encourage students to dismantle negative thinking patterns by providing a safe environment, structured curriculum, and supportive team.

Most people fear the physical conflict of martial arts and the injury which can follow from it. However, when you practice, you begin to see how safe it is. Even during sparring, with the correct supervision, training, and gear, the practice is practically risk-free. Martial arts training, in the right place, can provide a real-world example of how our anticipation of an event is often far worse than the reality, a perspective that can free anyone to pursue what they want in life with less fear or anxiety. 

Start Your Martial Arts Journey Today

If you or your child has been dealing with anxiety or just enjoy the many benefits martial arts can provide, Mugen Martial Arts welcomes you to experience those benefits for yourself. Simply sign up for a free trial class today and a member of our team will reach out to schedule your first class!

Call: 607-329-8759

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